
Brian Speier – Seeing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth

Brian Speier has a passion for art. So much so, that he has blossomed that passion into a successful career involving artistic design. Speier is a freelance consultant for UX and UI design platforms. He follows the premise that it is possible to reach an ideal sense of perfect equilibrium between what would be a design inspired by visualization, but also something that is functional. His experience gives him the tools necessary to find this perfect balance for all the Brian Speier UX/DI Design Consulting clients.

Education & Experience

Brian studied at the University of California at Los Angeles, where he blended academic success with a personal ambition to learn about his industry through outside experiences. He is more than just a head full of classroom knowledge. Upon graduating from UCLA, he continued to hone his skills a design expert for some of the most noteworthy firms in Southern California. There was a point where he realized that UX/UI design was his occupational passion, but so too was the challenge of being an entrepreneur. He brings his educational knowledge and talents as the owner of an up and coming design consulting firm, Brian Speier UX/UI Design.

Business Principles

Brian established solid work principles during his educational experience at UCLA. He immediately accepted the most challenging opportunities in the industry to further develop his talents. Speier appreciates that dedicated hard work, blended with an inquisitive mind, is the recipe for success. During his tenure as an employee, he began to lay the groundwork for his future. His penchant for artistic creativeness and knowledge of marketing theory put him in a position to venture out as an entrepreneur.

Speier seeks out situations that generate a new perspective on old methods. He never stops learning and trying to gain a competitive edge through new experiences. This provides Brian with the ability to guide clients through a series of tips that will show them how to build the best marketing strategy for their businesses. He understands the importance of good strategy to be successful in today’s global markets and brings this understanding to his business.

Brian also never shies away from hardship or adversity. He has endured the dramatic feelings of losing a friend during his life. However, he chose to focus on the positive aspects of that experience to help him be a stronger person. He understands that disappointment and adversity are part of both life and business. Difficulties and challenges don’t discourage Brian; they serve as motivation to do even better.

Personal Life and Interests

His daily life is a focus on reminding himself that creative expression is an essential part of his personality. Speier likes to position perfect little visual reminders to bear in mind that a balanced approach is a key component for success. He values being physically active in his free time to provide a sense of diversion from his normal day-to-day activities at a computer station.

He likes to clear his mind to enhance his mental focus by taking a leisurely walk, or engaging in a rigorous workout at his favorite fitness center. Speier always tries to follow a healthy diet and he’s never found a sushi roll he didn’t want to try. He keeps himself motivated by the California mindset of staying fit and maintaining diversity in his personal life. While he has a life outside his business endeavors, he never stops looking for better ways to transform an idea. Brian loves to stare at art, looking for multiple perspectives. He applies a similar theory to how he looks at design features as simple as a company logo. His work principles and personal interests both blend to prepare for every situation, always looking for a better perspective.

Speier’s ideology towards life and work is based on an inspirational quote from Winston Churchill. Brian sees an opportunity to thrive when presented with a difficult challenge. When he’s faced with a difficult situation, he just smiles, absorbing the chance to overcome another obstacle. He runs his life that way, and the same model guides his business principles. With a natural sense of what is required to be a successful entrepreneur and the skills as one of the most talented UX/UI designers in the highly competitive Los Angeles area, Speier is ready to rocket his business towards success.