5 App Development Tricks That Helped Miss Bongo Prix Succeed

App development is now considered one of the most lucrative ways to earn money in the tech industry. Many companies are making apps by the hundreds to help people, gain profit, and scale their growth much easier than traditional business models. According to a successful SMS service company, Miss Bongo Prix, there are several reasons why entrepreneurs get into mobile development:

  • Mobile apps are easier to manage – if there is a troubleshooting problem in your application, you do not need to hire an entire team of people who can repair it. In fact, if you learn how to be a mobile developer, you can simply solve these issues yourself.
  • Low overhead costs – you do not need to spend much in developing a mobile app. If you know how to operate as a developer, the only expenditure needed is for your marketing and operation of the business through a hosting or a cloud subscription.
  • Low-cost entry point for new entrepreneurs – are you looking to venture into the world of business but you don’t have an extensive amount of capital? Perhaps mobile development is an ideal startup for you. Compared to building your own brick and mortar business, mobile apps are generally quicker to make and can help you gain profits much more easily.

As mobile app development is getting more popular, Miss Bongo Prix is sharing some useful app creation tricks that entrepreneurs should know before starting a mobile-based business.

5 App Development Tricks That Helped Miss Bongo Prix Succeed


  1. Make your app as simple as possible.

As a developer, it may be easy to assume that the more features you have, the merrier your customers would be. This can be far from the truth if your app frequently crashes because of multiple updates, or suddenly takes up too much of a phone’s working memory. Make your app simple, but helpful. What are the things that your users really need? What can they use regularly? These are questions you need to address before starting to build an app. The simpler you can make it with all the essential features packed in, the better.

  1. Be ready for an offline experience.

One common mistake that app developers make is forgetting to consider the offline experience of users. As a result, some apps fail to update, or even fail to function fully. As mobile developers in Miss Bongo researched the possible reasons why some users delete apps, they noted that those apps that don’t work offline are a potential factor. Make sure that your app works both in offline and online settings. Miss Bongo learned this by creating the service through SMS messaging so that their app is easily accessible whether there is an internet connection or not.

  1. Have an appealing design.

You should be able to expect competition in any niche that your app is in. Whether it’s photo editing, communication, social media or other forms of service, there will always be apps that will contend with what you do. How do you set yourself apart from the rest of the competition? It’s simple–by making your app design stand out! By making a responsive but attractive design for your users, you will be able to have more downloads and sign-ups. People prefer a simple design without the complicated fluff.

  1. Go for efficiency.

As people get used to the instant results and the fast experiences, you need to keep up with this culture with the app you are developing. Miss Bongo succeeded with this because they know that users want quick solutions to their problems. They don’t want to do too much research on questions that they are wondering about, much less spend time waiting for answers when they post on message boards or discussion forums. As a result, Miss Bongo developed an SMS service program that delivers answers to inquiries in minutes.

  1. Keep up with the trends.

It is important to get ahead of the competition, but how do you stay in it? According to Miss Bongo, you should be able to do your research on the latest trends and find ways to incorporate them in your app.

By doing these strategies, you will have a constant flow of potential users and find your way to continually develop your app for the best profits.